Wednesday, June 6, 2007

D-Day Plus 63 Years

(Tulsa, Ok)--Hardly a day goes by that Tulsan Ken Renberg does not think about where he was 63 years ago this week. Renberg was an officer in the 1st Infantry Divison that landed on Omaha beach June 6th, 1944. He took part in the massive allied invasion at Normandy during World War II. Stuffed in a Higgins landing craft a German shell hit the water in front of Renberg. It was the first of several close calls. As an intelligence officer, Renberg began interrogating German pow's just moments after he arrived on the beach. As a teen Renberg had fled Nazi Germany and moved to Oklahoma. His ability to speak German became an assest during the war. Wednesday night Renberg will reflect on the invasion following the showing of the British film "Overlord" at the Circle Cinema in Tulsa.

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